Food & Beverage

Pumps, Mixers, Heat-Exchangers and Systems specially designed to meet the requirements of the food industry


Micro Gear Pumps

From tabletop beverage machines to pharmaceutical synthesis systems, Flight Works micro pumps are an excellent fit for a wide range of products and applications in this worldwide industry. Capable of high pressures, variable flow rates, and widely customizable material configurations, the Flight Works product line is capable of meeting a nearly endless array of requirements. Additionally, the potential option for food grade compatibility makes Flight Works pumps viable solutions for specific markets requiring adherence to strict regulatory requirements.


The Fluitec Mixer/Heat-Exchanger type CSE-XR® is consequently designed for the heat exchange at laminar flow conditions. It is used as a standard device for processing of sweets, of chocolate or in the dairy Industry. Beside of the very high heat transfer performance if processing liquids of higher viscosities, its success is based on the lack of any dead spots and its reliability for CIP-cleaning (Cleaning In Place).

Gear Pumps

Stainless steel precision gear pump for conveying and metering of fluids with medium to low viscosity. Through decades of experience in design and selection of optimal materials, this type of pump suitable for even the toughest of tasks and impresses with its reliability and metering accuracy in the vacuum as well as high-pressure applications. Typical areas of application for this type of pump are to be found in the cosmetic and food industries e.g. for conveying butter, margarine or vegetable oils.